Series: The Last Riders #2
Genres: Contemporary Romance, Erotic
Publication Date: Aug 20, 2013
My Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Winter Simmons received the surprise of her life when she discovered the man she had been dating for the last two years was actually Viper, president of the Last Riders. A high school principal, Winter has no intention of ruining her reputation in the community to be with a man who betrayed her trust. Unforgiving, she turns her back on him, only to find that Viper is not the gentleman he portrayed.
Determined to find his brother’s killer, Loker James kept his identity as President of The Last Riders a secret from Winter. When the truth comes out, he is determined to make her see the real man who can control not only a group of dangerous bikers, but a woman whose life is a rulebook. Unable to prevent herself from being drawn into the very club she despises, Winter is about to lose everything important to her, unless Viper can prove she’s more than a moonlight run.
My Thoughts
5 Vipericious Stars!!!!
“From now on, you sleep naked next to me unless you’re on your period, then you can have a pair of panties.”
“Go to hell.” She snapped.
O.M.G! I want me my own VIPER! Sorry but I need to gush how I feel about VIPER! Very possessive, alpha, jerk, protective and sweet in his own way! Yes.. He's an ass and a push over.. but I don't give a shit!I can't help myself but love him! He has some WTF-JERK moments but he did these sweet little small things that I couldn't see straight! The way he get jealous, carries Winter all the time, makes love then afterward cuddles was freaking sweet! (Yes, I'm jealous damn it!)
“You’re mine, regardless of whether you want to be or not. If you even think of looking at another man, I will kill the motherfucker. If you try to leave me again, I will lock you in my room. And if you ever, and I mean ever, tell me you’re not pretty again I will beat your ass until you can’t sit for a week. Do you understand me?”
BTW My mind still boggles about the biker club rules. The friday night were everyone are having a freakin' orgy? And don't get me started with the club rules, when a woman wants to be a member she needs to fuck the original members to get the votes.. Eww. Though I have to admit.. the little sex scene with Viper and Jewel was pretty hot. XD
OVERALL This is one hella crazy ride! I was hooked, pissed, aroused, happy and frustrated! It's wrong, crazy, gritty, sexy and I can't get enough of these bad ass boys! I'm interested on all the members but I gotta say Knox pierced c*ck got me all curious! :P
Ms. Jamie Begley.. PLEASE give us Shades and Lily!! These little teasers you're giving us are killing me!

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