My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This is so sad because this book has everything I WANT! The plot was interesting, we have a cruel hero, hero who is inlove with ow, TSTL under dog heroine and they are in a marriage of convenience. Sounds promising yeah? Not really...
It just didn't do it for me. As I mentioned, the story line was good.. first few chapters was engaging but it quickly went down after that. The drama was MEH. I feel like I was just reading it and it should have made me feel like I'M IN IT. The way it was told was a lil off, some scenarios was all over the place that my mind couldn't even process it. There were some revelations but the way it was delivered was chappy and boring. For me the whole thing was lack of something. Everything just didn't sit right to me. I don't know.. I'm prolly not making any sense here again. lol!
I'm all into underdog characters- heroine with no backbone? Fuck sign me up! But the heroine here annoyed the shit out of me! It seems like she cried in every fuckin chapter! I think the author was trying to make us reader feel sorry for her, but the constant whining, shaking, throwing up, passing out and the self pity bullshit was too much EVEN for me WHO LOVES THIS KIND OF SHIT!
I've been reading this for 3 days, not even close to the end and It made me think.. "Why do I even bother?"
So I gave up. I skimmed throughout and just read the ending. I can now cross this one out!
BTW- I'm not sure why this one is labeled as dark, it sure didn't feel like anything dark to me!
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